Fruit and vegetable destoner
Cleanliness of potatoes determines their success in further processing. While cleaning is not complicated, you must do it correctly for it to be effective. Potato drum washing is the first step in achieving a perfect end product. Tinwing is continuously developing new, sustainable technologies for this purpose. The set-up of your washing process will depend on the pollution of your potatoes and the type of product you are intending to turn them into.
Fruit & Vegetable Steam Peeler Processing Machinery
To achieve excellent results when steam peeling potatoes, Tinwing knows what parameter settings are required to optimize peeling results with the least amount of peel loss and minimal energy consumption. All Tinwing peelers are manufactured with the latest technologies, incorporating easy maintenance and easy cleaning, giving them a low energy consumption and robust performance.
Potato Dry brush machine
Following the steaming peeling, a brushing machine removes the peel from the product. Depending on the desired peeling result and the required capacity, we install drum brush. The brushes in these machines separate the potato peel, which is subsequently removed. As no water is used during the brushing process, the peels remain suitable for further processing into, for example, animal feed.
Hydro cutting system with high efficiency
In order to be more efficient and reduce potato waste, our company has developed the world's most advanced water hydro cutting equipment. Potato, root and tuber vegetables are easily cut into different products. They can be cut into chips, wedges or slices. Hydro cutter includes a water tank, centrifugal pump, tube, cutting section and discharge conveyor.
High temperature blancher for potato
A correctly blanched cut product will make further processing more efficient. A blanching process can influence the crispness after frying, the shelf life after packaging, as well as the colour and firmness of the end product. We combine an accurate blanching time and temperature setting with a robust, low maintenance design.
Our many years of experience have helped us design well-considered and efficient blanchers for various processing lines. These are now exported all over the world and are maximizing tons of potatoes.
Dryer(High efficiency French fry dryer)
It is important to dry the product properly before it is fried. By doing this, you will be able to achieve higher quality, crispier end product.
The drying process may be carried out with heat recovered from the frying process. The technique combines high quality and sustainability.
Continuous fryer with high temperature
With controlled oil flows together with multizone design and the belt return outside the fryer, our frying system will give you the best tools to achieve the requested texture and colour. Multiple oil outlets quickly remove fines to minimize oil degradation. 100% of the system oil volume passes through a filter every minute, on average, for the highest quality oil and freshest product.
Automatic air cooler with fast cooling
At the same time of transmission, the deep-fried product is quickly cooled by a high-speed fan to a temperature suitable for quick freezing. Within seconds in most cases, pull-through cooling brings product to within about 9.5°C of ambient air temperature.
Instant freezer with low temperature
Before packaging, the product needs to be quick-frozen to ensure the freshness of the product, so that the French fries can maintain the effect of crisp outside and tender inside during secondary frying, and the Instant freezing machine can quickly freeze the product to -18℃. freezing temperature:-35°C.
Automatic packaging machine with multihead weigher
From tray and container filling to fully-automated and integrated snack food packaging systems, we provide end-of-line solutions that will give you performance advantages in the busiest section of the line.
Steam cooker with automatic high temperature control
An accurate cooker time and correct temperature setting are combined with a robust and low maintenance design,turn potatoes into mashed potatoes. During steam cooker, potatoes are cooked in hot water at a temperature dependent on the variety and growing conditions. Once the structure is optimal, a mashing screw mashes the pieces into a light mash. A special pump subsequently transports the mash to the drying roller hygienically and without damage.
Drum dryer with low water and energy consumption
Drying mashed potatoes to obtain potato flakes, is an often used application of the drum dryer. When the product has passed the last satellite roll, it passes under the drum dryer and whilst under constant temperature loses the larger part of its water.At the last ascending part of the tube the temperature rises, as a result of this the product falls from the drum and is scraped off by a knife.